Week 5: Soryia Siddique
Soryia Siddique

Council and ward: Glasgow City Council / Southside Central

What prompted you to stand for election?
I was an active campaigner and campaigned during the local and national elections for over a decade. I had never considered standing for election until my friends suggested it.

Describe your average week as a Councillor
This involves responding to constituents’ emails, phone calls and social media enquiries with an aim to resolving them through the council and aleo structures.

Discussing community enquires through on-site and online meetings.

I am also a member of the Education, Skills and Early Years City Policy Committee; Council Administration Committee and Southside Central Area Partnership which involves regular meetings.

How does being a Councillor fit in with your other responsibilities and commitments (such as children / caring responsibilities)?
I care for my parents, this brings a level of commitment and responsibility.

What do you find most rewarding about the role?
Being able to help constituents with issues they raise. Working with the local community, Glasgow City Council and third sector organisations to find solution to improving the quality of life in the ward I represent.

And the most challenging?
Sometimes the problems people raise can be complex and require services to be funded adequately or time to resolve.

Balancing responsibilities and time constraints.

What has been your greatest achievement as Councillor?
Sometimes it is as simple casework because it means so much to the constituent.

I raised the motion at Glasgow City Council to remove the offer of freedom of the city from Aung San Suu Kyi due to violation of human rights.

Motions on FE cuts, successful campaign to refurbish Albert Bridge and the Govanhill Aquisition Programme.

What support is available to possible candidates?
There are various third sector organisations and local party structures.

Why is greater representation in local government important? 
Representation matters - diverse voices, lived experiences representative of communities they serve makes better decisions.

What advice would you give to someone considering standing for elected office in their local area? 
If you care and want to make a difference, please do stand for election. There is support available from local party structures and third sector organisations.

And finally, who is your role model and why?
My parents as I grew up seeing them care for their neighbours, family and local community. They strived to make a difference and brought me up with values of compassion, integrity and community.