Age: 65
Council and ward: Glasgow City Council, Ward16, Canal
How long have you been a councillor?
Since 2017
What prompted you to stand for election?
I was asked. A candidate withdrew from election
Describe your average week as a Councillor.
Lots of reading, committee meetings Labour group meetings case work and visiting the community, emails and phone calls.
How does being a Councillor fit in with your other responsibilities and commitments (such as children / caring responsibilities)?
Doesn’t apply but I’m involved with the trade unions and it fits in well.
What do you find most rewarding about the role?
Constituency work.
And the most challenging?
The amount of reading I need to do.
What has been your greatest achievement as Councillor?
Being able to help young disabled people into employment.
Tell us one aspect about the job that people might not know / find surprising?
How poorly paid Councillors are.
What support is available to possible candidates?
There is great support through the Access to Public Office Fund. I couldn’t have managed without it.
Why is greater representation in local government important?
It’s important for disabled people to have a voice. There is not nearly enough disabled people in politics.
What advice would you give to someone considering standing for elected office in their local area?
Go for it. I know that a lot of disabled people think about it but you should take the first step and put yourself forward as a candidate.
And finally, who is your role model and why?
The Newly appointed MSP Pam Duncan Glancy. She is a great role model not just for disabled people but for everyone.