Whole System Strategic Improvement Group
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On Tuesday 4th February, COSLA’s Health and Social Care Spokesperson, Councillor Paul Kelly, chaired the latest quarterly meeting of the Whole System Strategic Improvement Group (WSSIG). Read what Cllr Kelly had to say following the meeting.

“The WSSIG provides whole system leadership and direction on medium to longer term strategic improvements to Scotland’s health and social care systems. One of its functions is to foster collaboration and communications among different streams of improvement work to promote practices worth adopting. In line with this, the latest meeting looked at improvement work that is underway in relation to public protection with presentations on the National Public Protection Leadership Group (NPPLG) and the Adult Support and Protection Quality Improvement Framework.

It was especially good to hear about the work of the NPPLG in supporting learning and sharing of best practice at both the local and national level. Given the interconnectedness between the public protection and health and social care systems, there are plenty of opportunities for the WSSIG to apply lessons from the NPPLG and vice-versa, and I look forward to implementing these as part of the WSSIG’s workplan for this year.”