There’s much to celebrate on International Women’s Day, but greater equality and safety of councillors must remain a priority, says COSLA
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COSLA's President, Councillor Shona Morrison and Chief Executive, Jane O'Donnell have written to female leaders ahead of International Women’s Day,

Women in leadership roles across Scotland’s councils have been asked by COSLA to support a new campaign to help more women, girls and people facing barriers to view themselves as a potential future leader in local government.

While there is plenty to celebrate in the journey towards greater equality in local government, the letter spotlights some of the key barriers women still face not only to leadership positions, but to equal safety and access in many areas of life.

COSLA’s President, Councillor Shona Morrison, commented:

“I have written to female leaders in Scottish local government today with our Chief Executive Jane O’Donnell, ahead of International Women’s Day.

The letter reflects on the strength and diversity of our female leadership, but there is of course much more work to do to make sure that elected office and local government leadership become safer, more equitable and more accessible options. This is an issue not only of fair representation, but of ensuring that our local government rightly reflects the communities we serve.

“Unfortunately, we have had some clear examples of some of the barriers people face to elected office in recent days. Following reported threats of violence and intimidation towards several of our female leaders, I have also written today to the First Minister, the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government and Chief Constable of Police Scotland requesting we work collaboratively and seeking their support. Threats and intimidation against elected officials are never acceptable under any circumstances. We are grateful that Scottish Government and Police Scotland have stood firmly with us against such threats for elected councillors, which of course impacts people across all levels of government.

“We will also be contacting all Councillors in Scotland relaying Police Scotland’s advice for Councillors facing threats or intimidation in their roles. It’s our priority that our elected councillors receive the correct support if facing threats or intimidation.”