Health and Social Care Board Meeting
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At the meeting of the COSLA Health and Social Care Board on Friday 21st March, members heard presentations from Scottish Government on Family Inclusive Practices in relation to alcohol and drug recovery, and Health and Social Care Scotland on the anticipated financial position of Integrated Joint Boards.

Other key policies and proposals considered by the Board included a proposed direction of travel for the use of Community Health Index (CHI) in Local Government’s programme of work, developments on the Care Reform (Scotland) Bill, and an update for the annual report on delivery of the Creating Hope Together strategy and action plan.

Reflecting on the meeting, COSLA Spokesperson for Health and Social Care, Councillor Paul Kelly, said:

“Today’s meeting saw lots of challenging but productive conversations, and some important decisions made that will directly contribute to improved experiences for users of social care services.

I’m especially pleased about the consensus we have built around the Population Health Framework, which is due to be released in the coming months. Local Government plays an important role in determining population health outcomes through the delivery of essential services, and the Framework will be a vital part of our efforts to support improved public wellbeing by placing greater focus on primary prevention.”

The next Health and Social Care Board meeting is scheduled for 16th May 2025.