New Pay Offer for Scotland's Council Workforce
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COSLA has today (Thursday 23rd May) written to the Scottish Joint Council (SJC) Trade Unions with a formal pay offer for Scotland's Local Authority workforce.

COSLA said in a statement:

“Following a number of very constructive SJC Steering Group negotiating meetings in recent weeks, COSLA has today (23rd May) written to the Scottish Joint Council (SJC) Trade Unions with a formal pay offer for the SJC Local Government workforce. This offer is for a settlement which runs for an 18-month period of 1st April 2024 to 30th September 2025. There will be a 2.2% uplift from 1st April, with a further 2% uplift taking effect from 1 October. This therefore includes a change in the settlement date to 1 October.

This offer fully utilises the negotiating mandate provided by COSLA Leaders and is at the limit of affordability, given the severe financial constraints councils are facing in the context of a flat cash Local Government settlement.

We believe that this is a strong, fair, and credible offer which reflects the high value council Leaders place on the Local Government workforce and the invaluable work they do every day to serve our communities.”

The May 2024 pay offer to SJC Unions explained

COSLA's offer to SJC Trade Unions on 23rd May 2024 is detailed in the bullet points below.

    -  A 2.2% increase from 1st April 2024
    -  Further 2% increase from 1 October 2024
    -  Change settlement date to 1st October
    - Agree to develop negotiation protocol
    - This offer covers 1st April 2024 – 30th September 2025