Responding to an EIS press release on fair work, A COSLA Spokesperson said:
"COSLA recognises the value of Fair Work in all Local Government workplaces including schools. The five Fair Work dimensions of Effective Voice, Opportunity, Security, Fulfilment and Respect have long been at the core of our employment practices.
“Effective Voice is ensured collectively by national and local recognition of trade unions and individually through staff surveys and supportive and accessible management. Collective bargaining has been at the core of Local Government employment arrangements for decades. Opportunity is provided through effective career pathways and incremental pay progression which recognises experience and continuing professional development. Security is maintained through competitive salaries with unpromoted teachers on a salary of £50,589 after gaining five years’ experience. Employer contributions to the defined benefit pension scheme add more than 20% value to the salary and guarantee teachers a secure retirement. Fulfilment is achieved through supportive workplace relationships and collegiate working, which is a long-standing feature of teacher’s national terms and conditions in the SNCT Handbook. This is further reinforced by five in-service training days annually. The Respect dimension for work in safe and secure environments is ensured through having comprehensive health & safety, grievance and wellbeing policies in place for all council employees whether in schools, offices, depots, sites, or based in our communities.
“However, Fair Work is a journey not a destination and COSLA works with Scottish Government to ensure that all council workers, including teachers, continue to experience its benefits while delivering essential services to our local communities.”