Councillor James Stockan
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Commenting on the news today (Monday) that Cllr James Stockan, Leader of Orkney Islands Council, is to stand down in early February, COSLA President Councillor Shona Morrison said:  “Councillor Stockan will be a huge loss to those living and working in Orkney and also to the Scottish Local Government family, where he has been an advocate for local democracy and a champion of the islands and rural communities.

“Everyone at COSLA holds Councillor Stockan in the highest regard.  He is a valued and very well-respected figure who has been a formidable Leader of the Independent Group here at COSLA.

“On a personal level, he has been a valued colleague and a great support when I first took over as COSLA President.  James is always very active and engaged and works hard to seek consensus for the benefit of communities, which is at the heart of COSLA’s objectives.

“We will all miss his expertise and good humour, but I wish him the best in whatever he chooses to do next.”