COSLA Welcomes Incorporation of the UNCRC
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Children's rights become legally protected in Scotland as UNCRC Incorporation Act comes into force.

As of Tuesday 16th July 2024, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) has officially become incorporated into law in Scotland.

Although local authorities have a longstanding commitment to embedding children's rights in policy making and practice, this means that they, as public authorities, and their employees who work with or indirectly support children, now have a legal duty to uphold children's rights as set out in the UNCRC.

COSLA and Scotland's 32 Council Leaders have long supported incorporation of the UNCRC. COSLA's Children and Young People Spokesperson, Councillor Tony Buchanan, welcomed the move today, commenting:

"COSLA welcomes the incorporation of the UNCRC. Local Government has from the outset been fully supportive of the intentions of UNCRC incorporation, sharing the vision of a Scotland where children’s human rights are embedded in all aspects of society and public services.

"Local authorities recognise their place as duty bearers under the Act and are committed to ensuring that children’s rights are incorporated, meaningfully protected, and fulfilled.

"Extensive work is underway across local authorities to take forward this commitment and excellent progress is being made. Local authorities will continue to work, including with the support of future statutory guidance, to ensure they uphold their duties under the Act.”

Further information

The UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill was first passed by the Scottish Parliament unanimously on 16 March 2021.

An amended bill was then passed by the Scottish Parliament on 7 December 2023.

The UNCRC can be read in full here.

A child-friendly version of the UNCRC can be found here.