Carers Census 2023-24
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The Carers Census for 2023-24, which publishes data on unpaid carers who receive support from local services, was published on 10th December.

The annual Carers Census sits alongside other data sets which look at the entire caring population, regardless of whether they receive support, including the Health and Care Experience Survey (HACE), Scottish Health Survey and the Scottish Census.

Key findings in the Carers Census include:

  • 52,000 unpaid carers were supported by local services across Scotland in 2023-24.
  • Female carers significantly outnumber male carers across all age groups (73%), with the most significant difference in the working-age carer group (80%).
  • 56% of unpaid carers spent an average of 50+ hours providing unpaid care. The HACE estimate for the entire caring population was 31%.

COSLA’s Health and Social Care Spokesperson, Councillor Paul Kelly, commented:

“The Carers Census is important to understand key information about unpaid carers who receive support locally. The data highlights many pertinent points, including the high numbers of female carers and the intensity of the caring role, and I would like to thank each and every carer for the unpaid support they provide.”

The full report can be read here: Carers Census, Scotland, 2023-24.