COSLA Response to Scottish Care on National Care Home Contract
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Speaking today (Wednesday 24th May) Councillor Paul Kelly, COSLA’s Health and Social Care Spokesperson said:

“Following an intensive period of negotiation, in March of this year Local Government made an offer to the care home sector. This was the highest ever proposed increase to the National Care Home Contract, is the best offer we can make and is at the limits of affordability. We note that Scottish Care have acknowledged this.

“Local Government budgets have been under severe pressure in recent years. Despite this the offer sought to recognise the essential and invaluable role of care homes and their staff within our communities and was inevitably shaped by the severe financial and inflationary pressures we collectively face.

“We understand that as part of Scottish Care’s rejection of this offer there was direct engagement with Scottish Government in relation to the financial challenges across the sector.

“Meanwhile, Councils have continued to ensure payments are timeously made to care home providers, including to enable adult social care workers to receive the Real Living Wage. The full offer remains on the table.”