COSLA Heartened by Strike Suspension
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COSLA’s Resources Spokesperson Councillor Katie Hagmann said today (Friday): “I am heartened by today’s news that both Unite and the GMB will suspend next week’s strike action whilst they consult with their membership on the pay package that we currently have on the table.

“This is good news, and I welcome the decision to suspend next week’s strike action by both the Unite and GMB trade unions.

“We have met every ask of our Trade Union colleagues throughout these negotiations and this best and final offer which will see every single local government worker receive an in year pay rise of between 6 and almost 10 per cent was made on the basis that strikes would be suspended.  I am pleased that these two trade unions have recognised this.

“We absolutely value all our Local Government Workforce and throughout these negotiations Council Leaders have re-iterated the value we place on the Workforce and the work that they do.

“We are talking about a pay package worth over £430 million, specifically targeted at the lower end of our workforce.  A pay package which not only compares well to other sectors but recognises the cost-of-living pressures on our workforce and a pay package which would mean the lowest paid would see an in-year uplift of over £2000 or just under 10%.

“I am pleased with today’s decision from Unite and the GMB because this is the best funding package that Scottish and Local Government can provide and I would hope that their members accept the offer.”


A ‘Your Pay Made Clear’ factsheet can be downloaded here