Children’s Hearing System Redesign
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At their meeting on 6th October COSLA’s Children and Young People Board discussed their response to The Promise Scotland’s “Hearings for Children” report, published in May 2023.

Download the full response from COSLA here.

Cllr Tony Buchanan, COSLA’s Children and Young People spokesperson said;

“ It is timely that our response to the ‘Hearings for Children’ report is published at the beginning of Care Experience Week. The Children and Young People Board would like to reiterate our commitment to The Promise that Scotland’s children grow up loved, safe and respected.  We remain absolutely focused on this.

The ‘Hearings for Children’ report is an important milestone in the redesign of the Children’s Hearings System, as outlined in Plan 21 – 24. We thank Sheriff Mackie and all those who contributed to this significant and important piece of work.  COSLA is committed to working through the recommendations with partners and by co-chairing, with the Scottish Government, the Children’s Hearings Redesign Board.”

Further info

The Hearings for Children report can be read here.