Why You? Campaign Launches Today
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An exciting new campaign has been launched today by COSLA.

The Why You? campaign aims to encourage people to consider standing for office ahead of next year’s Local Government elections.

To inspire potential candidates, we will be showcasing the experiences of current Councillors via our website and social media channels each Wednesday - #WhyYouWednesday

The Why You? campaign will also highlight some of the successes of the COSLA group looking at removing barriers to elected office.

COSLA President, Councillor Alison Evison, has kicked off the campaign today with her profile piece here.

Councillor Evison, an elected member in Aberdeenshire for nine years, said: “We’ve seen the difference that can be made when there are more diverse voices at the decision-making table.

“Our Councils are the democratically elected voice of our local communities and will be most effective when they include members from right across those communities.

“With the Local Government elections coming up next May, it is more vital than ever that we see wider representation in our town halls.”

Councillor Evison was elected as the 15th President of COSLA, and only the third female President of the organisation, in June 2017.

She continued: “I was prompted to stand for election after feeling a sense of frustration with how some things were being managed in my community, and a sense of responsibility that instead of just complaining, I should do my bit to bring about change.

“What I would say to anyone considering becoming a Councillor is - you are the very person your community needs to have standing for election and there are people around who will support you.”