COSLA Media Release on Pay
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At today’s (Friday) Meeting,  Scotland’s Council Leaders agreed a significantly improved offer that has now been presented to the Trade Unions who represent the Local Government Workforce.

Council Leaders at the meeting acknowledged the dedication and work done by our workforce over the last 18 months and that is why they have explored every option to get to a position that allows this improved offer to be put to the trade unions today, which is fair and protects both the workforce and the essential services we deliver every day.

Councillor Gail Macgregor, COSLA’s Resources Spokesperson said:  “Council Leaders have reached an agreement today on a new and significantly improved offer that will hopefully be fully acceptable to our Workforce and get the money into their pockets as soon as possible.

“We are pleased that as a result of this improved offer our trade union colleagues have notified us this afternoon that they will suspend strike action.”