16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence
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COSLA’s Vice President Councillor Graham Houston marked Day 3 of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence by inviting Council Leaders to pledge their support for the ongoing work of White Ribbon Scotland.

Councillor Houston said “COSLA is committed to preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls in all its forms. We continue in our delivery of the Equally Safe Strategy and have recognised in our Local Government Blueprint that we must address the gendered effects of the pandemic.  Violence Against women and Girls undermines the human rights and dignity of women. There must be concerted efforts made to support men in our organisations and communities to tackle the issue by refusing to condone or ignore the problem.”

Davy Thompson, Campaign Director, White Ribbon Scotland said “White Ribbon Scotland is grateful for the leadership offered by COSLA’s Vice President Councillor Graham Houston, and Local Government leadership in their ongoing consideration of support for the White Ribbon Scotland Campaign. This scourge of violence against women in our society will only be eliminated when we work together as a whole and that requires that more men speak out against it.  We will be delighted to recognise COSLA’s leadership with the award of White Ribbon Status and look forward to working further with Councils across Scotland over the next year.”