Councils step up to protect communities
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Scottish Local Government, with our public and third sector partners and volunteers, is at the Vanguard of protecting Communities during this pandemic and that is why the £155 million of Consequentials should be passed on immediately to Local Government Council Leaders said emphatically today (Friday)

Commenting following a meeting of Council Leaders today COSLA’s Resources Spokesperson Councillor Gail Macgregor said:  “Council Leaders were clear today that the reaction of councils to the COVID-19 epidemic, ensuring essential services are secured, and that our most vulnerable people are protected has been a remarkable effort and as such the £155 million of Consequentials should be passed to Local Government immediately.

“Councils are working hard to keep a huge range of essential services running to meet the needs of communities and to be responsive locally.  But the bottom line is that protecting people and providing services costs money.

“That is why, when the £1.6billion of funding was announced by the UK Government for Councils in England over two weeks ago, we immediately wrote to the Scottish Government in relation to the £155million of Consequentials for Scottish councils. I will continue to keep discussions going with Kate Forbes on this issue.

“Whilst we fully appreciate the pressure facing the Cabinet at this time, Councils are facing an extremely challenging situation on the ground, with significant additional costs being incurred on a daily basis, as well as massive losses of income as a result of the lock down. The response from Scottish Government so far does nothing to alleviate the collective concerns of Scottish Local Government and we call on the Consequentials to be passed to Local Government immediately.”