Report on Additional Support for Learning
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Commenting on the publication of Angela Morgan’s Report on Additional Support for Learning which has been published today (Friday).

Councillor Stephen McCabe, COSLA’s Children and Young People Spokesperson said:  “We welcome the publication of Angela Morgan’s Report on Additional Support for Learning.

“COSLA would like to express thanks for the work that has gone into this, and to the children and families who have been involved over the past months.  The COSLA Children and Young People Board will have the opportunity to fully discuss and consider the recommendations in the report over the summer and look to work collaboratively with Scottish Government and partners where improvements or changes are needed to the way the system supports children with additional support needs.

“The report states the need for greater recognition of children and young people’s achievements, supporting all teachers to obtain skills and knowledge to provide support and increasing engagement with children, young people and families in providing the right support.  COSLA will continue to work with the Scottish Government, ADES and other partners, including through the Additional Support for Learning Implementation Group over the summer months.

“Importantly, this will include considering the recommendations in the context of the impact COVID-19 has had on children, young people and families, and the education and support systems they may access.  Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, local authorities and partners have endeavoured to support children, young people and their families as best they can and COSLA would like to express gratitude to our workforce for this.  In addition, we would also want to thank children, young people and families who have had to make significant adaptions to the way they live and learn and we know how difficult this has been, particularly for those with additional support needs.

“Though this report was written before the pandemic, it is timely in informing planning and development for recovery.  On behalf of COSLA, I would like to again express my thanks to Angela Morgan for this report.”