Time to act or communities will suffer
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The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities has warned the Scottish Government that it risks causing further suffering amongst Scotland’s communities if it does not adequately fund council services.

The Local Government Settlement, a mix of General and Specific Revenue and Capital Grants, has decreased year upon year and councils are struggling to find the cash to meet the outcomes needed to create the kind of Scotland we all want to live in.

Councils have expressed alarm at the fact that although they are responsible for delivering 60% of the outcomes in National Performance Framework, declining budgets set by the Scottish Government means they will not be met.

Commenting on the budget, COSLA Resources Spokesperson Councillor Gail Macgregor said:

“The outcomes in the Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework (NPF) will not be achieved without sustainable investment in Scotland’s councils.

“Our unique role in delivering Scotland’s most important outcomes must be recognised and invested in. What other organisation or public body can claim to tackle child poverty, combat climate change, improve wellbeing and foster inclusive economic growth all at the same time?

“It’s simple – if local authorities receive another unfair settlement then child poverty will continue to rise, climate change will continue to erode the planet, inclusive growth will stall, and the wellbeing of Scotland’s citizens will suffer.”