16 Days of Activism
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COSLA’s Vice President, Councillor Graham Houston, is today (Monday, December 7) marking Day 13 of the global 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign.

He is chairing an event bringing Elected Members from across Scotland together with Violence Against Women Partnership lead officers. The event ‘What About the Men?’ will explore how gender inequality and its consequences - including violence against women – involve and impact on the lives of men and boys.

Councillor Houston said: “The gendered analysis that underpins the Scottish Government’s Equally Safe Strategy recognises that women and girls are disproportionately affected by gender-based violence precisely because they are women and girls.

"We recognise we will not make progress unless we tackle the root causes of women’s inequality.  We will continue to challenge the outdated gender stereotypes and societal attitudes towards women and girls that allow gender-based violence to flourish. This now includes tackling the gendered effects of the pandemic."