COSLA writes to Cabinet Secretary on Consequentials
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COSLA has today (Monday) written to Kate Forbes, Cabinet Secretary for Finance asking that the full £155 million of Consequentials comes to Local Government as Councils continue to battle the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Commenting on the call COSLA’s Resources Spokesperson Councillor Gail Macgregor said: “In relation to the UK Government’s announcement that an additional £1.6bn will be made available  for Councils in England, COSLA has today written to the Cabinet Secretary calling on the Scottish Government to pass the resulting Consequentials for Scotland to Local Government in full.

“We have a good working relationship with Ms Forbes and we hope that our request has a successful outcome as we continue the fight against COVID-19.

“We already know that the COVID-19 response is placing considerable strain on Councils and presenting real risks and uncertainty in relation to finance. This additional £155m would go some way to ensuring that the vital work being done on the ground can continue in a locally responsive way, delivering essential services for the most vulnerable within our communities over the coming weeks and months.”