COSLA interim Health and Social Care Spokesperson to step down
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COSLA’s Health and Social Care Spokesperson Councillor Peter Johnston is to return to his role following a period of absence. Councillor Stuart Currie, who had been deputising for Councillor Johnston, finished up his role on Friday.

COSLA President Councillor Alison Evison thanked Councillor Currie for his service:

“I would like to thank Stuart for stepping into this role over the past year. Health and Social Care is a key policy area for Local Government and under his leadership, COSLA has been ambitious for what councils can achieve. This is an area where relationships between local and national government are crucial and Stuart has been vital in maintaining those links. I wish him every success in the future.”

Councillor Currie said:

“In my time as Interim Spokesperson, I have felt privileged to serve the interests of Local Government in this significant policy area. Through strong partnership working and applying our influence, the work of the COSLA Health and Social Care Board has a profound impact on this policy area and, ultimately on the services our communities receive.

“I sure you will join me in wishing Peter well and welcoming him back into the role and I wish the Board all the best in its future endeavours.”