£20m of support for regeneration in local communities
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Communities across Scotland are to benefit from a share of £20.4m to support local regeneration activity.

A total of 18 projects are being awarded funding in 2019/20 as part of the Regeneration Capital Grant Fund (RCGF).

The joint Scottish Government and COSLA investment will help to support or create more than 600 jobs. It will refurbish and bring back into use 17 buildings, create more than 6,400 square metres of business space and support 64 community facilities and services which will benefit more than 150 businesses or enterprises.

Aileen Campbell, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government, said:

“I’m really pleased that 18 fantastic, community-led projects will benefit from this significant investment. Projects right across Scotland will receive support which will regenerate their local area by stimulating inclusive growth and supporting and creating jobs.

“The projects being supported are wide ranging and collectively will help tackle inequality and support inclusive growth in disadvantaged communities and fragile rural areas.

“These projects will deliver new training places and volunteering opportunities and support new community assets. This will build community cohesion, help tackle poverty, address health inequality and provide childcare facilities while bringing back into use historic and landmark buildings.”

COSLA’s Environment and Economy Spokesperson, Councillor Steven Heddle, said:

“I’m delighted to see these further projects to be funded by the Regeneration Capital Grant Fund in 2019/20. These diverse projects from local authorities across Scotland all reflect localised approaches to regeneration and will deliver strong physical, economic, and social outcomes.

“Importantly, these projects also allow councils to deliver on the regeneration aspirations of the communities they represent. It’s heartening to see the impact this fund is having and I look forward to seeing what projects come forward for funding in the future.”