Council Leaders pledge to continue to help resettle refugees
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Scotland’s Council Leaders have today pledged to ensure that Scotland continues to play its part in resettling some of the most vulnerable people displaced from their homes because of war and persecution.

The commitment comes today following a Leaders meeting in COSLA HQ, Verity house, Edinburgh this morning (Friday), and enables councils to build on the crucial work they have done up to this point.

This has seen all 32 Scottish local authorities participate in the current refugee resettlement schemes and provide housing and other support to over 3000 refugees since 2015. The new scheme commences in 2020 and will continue to be a partnership between UNHCR, the UK Government and local authorities across the UK.

COSLA Community Wellbeing Spokesperson Councillor Kelly Parry said:

"Scottish local authorities are proud to have extended a warm welcome to refugees from Syria and the wider region over the last 4 years and are keen to continue our participation beyond the end of the current schemes in 2020.

"That is why we welcome the Home Secretary’s announcement regarding resettlement to the UK post 2020 and are particularly pleased that the UK Government has listened to our representations and will continue to support the role that we play with the appropriate level of resourcing.

"Council staff and communities across Scotland have worked tirelessly to ensure that the newly resettled families have the best possible start and welcome to Scotland by finding suitable homes, helping to settle children in to school and supporting adults to find employment. I am delighted that this vital work will be continuing in the years ahead and applaud Council Leaders for the decision taken today.”