COSLA comment on music tuition
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A COSLA Spokesperson said:

"Seeking to establish the cost of introducing entitlement to universal free instrumental music tuition would be extremely challenging. Such a change in policy may lead to increased demand for lessons placing further pressure on Local Authority core budgets -  for recruitment of additional instrumental music tutors, the purchase of additional instruments and capital building costs to provide additional space for more lessons.

"We do know from the annual survey of instrumental music tuition conducted by the Local Government Improvement Service that in 2017/18: approximately 60,326 pupils received lessons, this figure equated to 8.9% of all Scottish school pupils. From the data provided, the gross cost of providing instrumental music services was £28,322,726.

"The survey also found that at least 18,797 pupils also participated in additional activities run by these services, activities include bands, ensembles, orchestras, concerts and residential courses. Local authorities recognise the wider benefits of investment in instrumental music tuition but this is becoming increasingly challenging year on year as proportion of the budget around which Councils have flexibility is reducing. Any entitlement would therefore have to be fully funded."