COSLA Community Wellbeing Board February 2024
Fri 16th Feb
10:30am - 1:00pm
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1. Introduction

1.1 Welcome and Apologies

1.2 Minute of Previous Meeting of 8th December 2023 Items for Discussion and Decision

2. Presentations, Board and COSLA wide items.

2.1 Update on Board Workplan

2.2 Presentation from the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford, on Understanding Migrant Destitution in the UK

3. Migration, Humanitarian Protection

3.1. Ending Destitution Together Strategy

3.1 APPENDIX A Ending Destitution Together

4 Justice and Community Safety

4.1 Community Justice Strategy Delivery Plan Update

4.1a Community Justice Strategy Delivery Plan Update

4.2 National Appropriate Adult Project - Update

4.2a National Appropriate Adult Project

5 Equalities and Human Rights

5.1 Equally Safe – Refreshment of Delivery Plan

5.2 Independent Funding Review of VAWG Services – Response to Recommendations – next steps

6. Cost of Living and Social Policy

6.1 Measuring Impact Task and Finish Group’s Report (Homelessness)

6.2 Strategic Housing to 2040 Policy

6.3 Scottish Welfare Fund – Budget Pressures and SWF Action Plan