Suicide Prevention Scotland Event Reports

About Suicide Prevention Scotland

Suicide Prevention Scotland is a community of people and organisations, working together to deliver Scotland’s suicide prevention strategy and action plan, Creating Hope Together.

This work includes bringing people and organisations together to:

  • plan and take action,
  • connect, learn and share what works, and
  • inform national policy, priorities and action plans.

One of the key ways of doing this is through holding events and conferences which bring together people and organisations working across different sectors whose work contributes to preventing suicide in Scotland.

Between November 2023 and March 2024, a number of events were held for this purpose.

Building Connections – November 2023

Suicide Prevention Scotland invited groups and organisations working alongside communities whose experience of suicide is shaped by discrimination, stigma, inequality and wider social determinants, to join a session and share perspectives on:

  • early opportunities for action and key barriers to progressing action, and
  • ways of working together that ensure Suicide Prevention Scotland’s plans and priorities, effectively reflect and respond to the experiences of these communities.

Key themes, learning and opportunities for action from this event are contained in this report

Gathering Hope – January 2023

Suicide Prevention Scotland hosted an event to bring together third sector organisations in January 2024. The day included presentations, conversation cafés, and opportunities to network and connect to with others within the suicide prevention community.

This report contains an event summary and a summary of the conversation café discussions.

Creating Hope Together Conference – March 2024

Suicide Prevention Scotland held the first Creating Hope Together Conference, bringing together 240 people from across Scotland including those with lived and living experience and partners from public, third and private sectors. The Conference fostered connections, enhanced knowledge, and shared practice examples around preventing suicide and addressing inequalities in Scotland. A summary of the event can be found through this link.

Creating Hope Together Conference Round-Up (

A report containing a summary of the conversation café discussions will be available here when available.