Decision Making

We're a politically-led, cross-party organisation.

That means that what we do, and how we do it, is decided democratically by elected councillors from across our member councils.

Our decision making system is therefore designed to put member councils at the heart of the policy development process. We want every councillor to have the opportunity to contribute, and that's why we've recently completed a major review of our arrangements to make sure they focus on a forward looking agenda for local government.

Led by our President, Vice President, and five Spokespeople, our decisions are made in the following ways:

COSLA decision-making structure
COSLA's decision making structure

Central to COSLA’s decision-making structure are our Convention and Leaders’ Meetings.

A brief guide to COSLA’s Convention (aimed at Delegates) is available here.

A brief guide to COSLA’s Leaders' Meetings is available here.

Further information on these meetings can be found in our governance documents, which you can find below.

Governing Documents

Read our Governing Documents

Follow the links below to read our Governing documents below and learn how decisions and appointments are made at COSLA.

Read the COSLA Constitution

Read our Scheme of Delegation

Read our Standing Orders

See upcoming COSLA meetings and Events